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Spatial analysis

... is often what people first relate to. When we are able to orientate themselves relative to the data or analysis presented, the information becomes real. Working in the GIS field one should relate multifaceted data, accurately into an intuitive spatial interface though customized information design, highlighting locally specific focus areas in the context analysis. Furthermore, simplified spatial portals and all-in-one dynamic data dashboards and real-time spatial analysis will effectively empowering decisionmakers

Spatial analysis: Research

Recent GIS projects undertaken


Shell vs Wild Coast: Marine protected area survey

GIS specialist. Shell intended to prospect for conventional gas using seismic surveys off the Wild Coast, South Africa. This however caused a significant uproar from the South African public and was brought to the Makhanda high court for judgement. Part of this work was providing updated and validated spatial data showing survey areas of interest in proximity to marine protected areas and critical biodiversity areas in support of the urgent interdict to review the local impact of such activity.


Mapping of Marine protected areas

GIS mapping. Two NGOs, the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance and WildOceans, challenged the environmental authorisation granted to Eni / Sasol for exploration activities offshore of the KZN coast.  Accurate mapping was done to show the distances of the MPAs, and CBAs from the Eni Sasol proposed offshore drilling areas of interest. Work was undertaken due to concerns about the impacts of the drilling, including a catastrophic oil spill, on the ocean environment, particularly the impacts on the MPAs and CBAs


Angola-Namibia transmission line

GIS and Climate trainer. An environmental assessment was required for the development of a transmission line between Angola and Namibia. Part of this assessment was an evaluation of current and projected climate impacts for the region. I provided hands-on climate training and materials as the team undertaking the environmental assessment did not have the capacity to undertake this climate evaluation. The training focused both on the factors that influence climate dynamics and variability as well as a practical walkthrough on downloading the data and performing the spatial and statistical analysis.


Monrovia Metropolitan Climate Resilience Project

GIS and Climate Technical reviewer. Development of a Funding Proposal for this GCF-funded project. The project objective is to increase the resilience and adaptive capacity of coastal communities in Monrovia to the impacts of climate change, particularly sea-level rise, and coastal erosion. This will be achieved by i) designing and constructing a rock revetment to defend the West Point community against coastal erosion and storms; ii) increasing the institutional capacity and providing policy support for the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, and iii) protecting mangroves and strengthening gender- and climate-sensitive livelihoods to build local climate resilience in Monrovia.


Strengthening the resilience of the most vulnerable coastal communities to climate change in the Philippines’ Eastern Seaboard

Spatial data specialist. Development of a Feasibility Study and Funding Proposal for this GCF-funded project. The project will support the Government of the Philippines to enhance the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities along the Eastern Seaboard to climate change and extreme weather events. The project will catalyse a shift towards ecosystem-centred and community-based approaches to adaptation in the country’s approach to coastal planning and development, with a focus on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. This will be achieved by i) assessing the vulnerability of coastal communities to extreme climate events; ii) supporting the community- and ecosystem-based livelihoods which are resilient to climate change; and iii) integrating climate change into local planning, including comprehensive land use plans for vulnerable coastal zones.


Breede Valley Municipality Spatial Development Framework

GIS, Climate Change and Risk analyst. Breede Valley Local Municipality required the review of the Municipal Spatial Development Framework (SDF) to be adopted by Council in terms of Section 25 of the Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000). This required, among other tasks, a review of climate change impacts on the biodiversity sector. In this project, I was responsible for the spatial climate change analysis and the varying meteorological implications on components of the bio-physical space. This included geology, soils, water resources, and agriculture.


Luapula River Hydroelectric Scheme

GIS, Climate Change and Risk analyst. Pre-feasibility studies for the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) opportunity for the proposed Luapula River Hydroelectric Scheme was required by the joint Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo governments. This was required to facilitate the development of hydropower on the common sites of the transboundary Luapula River. The team undertook the pre-feasibility studies for the environmental and social impact assessment for the development of the proposed Luapula River Hydroelectric Scheme which includes multiple dams with capacities ranging from 600 to 900 MW. This project would help secure the electricity supply for Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As part of this project, I supervised the technical climate change and meteorological impact analysis. This included baseline and multiple projected scenario assessments highlighting impacts on the physical infrastructure but also how climate changes may influence operational efficiencies.


Botswana-South Africa Transmission Interconnection Project: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

GIS and Climate change analysis. The RSA-Botswana Transmission Interconnector Project entails the construction of approximately 560 km, 400 kV transmission line between South Africa and Botswana. The project required a scoping study, and a feasibility study up to the project implementation phase which included an environmental impact assessment, and outlining engineering, procurement, and construction specification.

I undertook an advisory role in climate analysis and risk screening along the proposed transmission line, thereby giving a greater understanding of likely climate change risks faced. This will ultimately facilitate the consideration of climate change vulnerability and likely impacts at the project level during the project planning and design


South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI): Working for Wetlands Programme

Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician. The team was appointed to conduct the planning and implementation of rehabilitation interventions for the Working for Wetlands Programme. The focus was on wetland conservation, poverty reduction through job creation and skills development. The project's key objective was to support and enable the protection, rehabilitation, and sustainable use of South Africa's wetlands through cooperative governance and partnerships. The main work components included assessing wetland health for identification and prioritisation of remedial measures, obtaining environmental authorisation, and undertaking the engineering design and site support for the implementation thereof. My work was spatial data collation, verification, and management. Furthermore, I was responsible for building efficiencies in automating the creation of map sets for the basic assessment reports and dissemination to public stakeholders.


Impofu Wind Farms mapping

Adaptive mapping specialist. The team was required to undertake environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for three wind farms for the proposed Impofu Wind Energy Facility. A basic assessment report was undertaken for associated grid connection infrastructure to connect the wind farms to one of two existing substations in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. The consistently changing status of project progress required a visual tool that could serve as a spatial dashboard to present an updated status. This project required me to develop this dynamic spatial dashboard.


Chatty / Jachtvlakte Precinct Planning

GIS and Climate Change analyst. Development of precinct plan which will illustrate the future spatial structure of Chatty/Jachtvlakte Precinct. This precinct plan aims to enable mixed-use intensification and densification around Chatty Link Road, Bloemendal Arterial and Standford Road extension through a comprehensive precinct plan, business plan and implementation framework. I was responsible for the high-level climate change risk analysis required for the long-term applicability of the project recommendations.


Drakenstein Drought Response Action to “Day Zero”.

Technical Lead, GIS, and vulnerability identification. The team was required to provide technical and practical management to Drakenstein Local Municipality Disaster services in preparing for the “Day Zero” crisis. Requirements are spatial analysis and temporal modelling of populations in response to a “Day Zero” scenario. Site layouts, specifications and costings for water points and larger scale logistical considerations/constraints. I was responsible for building the model to address the complex Day Zero scenario which required adaptive real-time population and spatial modelling. The model highlighted population vulnerabilities and dynamically presented adaptation options to address these. Furthermore, I was responsible for designing each of the site layouts so that they were able to accommodate the likely daily population but were also adaptable to changing population requirements.

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